After finally being rescued the sweet dog can’t stop smiling who has found the most caring owner ever

March 11, 2022

Fortunately,he met very kind woman and after that meeting he became the happiest` getting a second chance at life.

He was rescued by a kind woman who first noticed the dog in an article published on Facebook by Fresno Bully Rescu.

He looks like a bowling alley, so he became known as “Meatball” or “Meat”.

Mitty and Lisa had a strong bond. The dog reminds the woman of her old dog who died of a serious illness.

So the woman decided to take him home and gave him all her love and care.

The owner says that he also has many toys and adpores to play with them.

He is ready to “work” for any toy or delicious entertainment.

You too can see how happy Mitty is. The wide smile on his face is completely natural.

You really can not have a bad day when you have such a wonderful pet. No one will dare not smile while being by his side.

You can also follow this bright creature on Instagram.

He has an account and you can follow this sweet ball not missing the new games and adventures of Mitty and her best friends.

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