The story of the pop-eyed cat Fedi touched social networks

April 2, 2022


People most often pay attention to beautiful, but even more often – to flawed creatures. And the cat Fedya from Rostov is just such that even his beloved mistress recognizes.

help the pet, so all that remains is to tell his story.

Meet Fedya. Yes, he has a lot of problems.

A few years ago, a street cat came to the backyard of Natalia’s house to give birth a couple of kittens, one of which was Fedya. Natalya loves cats and wanted to help them, but it turned out exactly the opposite – the mother cat was frightened and constantly hid the kittens.


Fedya with his sister and mother

Fedya, as in that joke, was often dropped by his head. Natalia saw it herself.

All childhood is one continuous stress. Malnutrition, beatings, fear and disease.

One of the probable reasons for such an attitude of a cat to a kitten is congenital deformity. Natalia suspects genetic defects, but she has no way to run tests. Yes, and there is no desire either, because it is unlikely that Fedya will be cured. Let him live like this.

And he also has many, many ordinary sores – one will be cured, another will appear


Feda was only a couple of months old when his mother died. Natalya caught the kitten and began to tame it.

Fedya didn’t know what “socialization” was. For example, he still does not know how to caress, because he has not been taught.

Fedya was very lucky that an older kitten, nicknamed Handsome, lived with the neighbors. He took patronage over the poor – without this help, Natalya would not have coped. Fedya hardly understood what home life is, and although there is not a lot in his deformed head, he grew up as a kind and naive cat.

Today Fedya is doing well, if I may say so. He loves to hug his mistress’s hand and purr into her palm for a long time.


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