15 barbosik dogs that will touch you to the core

April 2, 2022


Recent MRI studies have shown that dogs become happy next to their loved one. In the most literal sense, the analysis of nervous activity confirms this.

Even the very smell of a person awakens in them a range of feelings. No wonder they are everywhere and always want to be with us!

How else can you hint that you have to play with me on the street

It was worth distracting literally for a minute

Everybody is dancing!

I sit high, I look far away

Down with monotonous pictures in social networks!

Washed, monsters

I am a monument to myself

The main thing is to have time to pretend to be a victim

They really got unique engagement photos

Too tailed dog

Carefully! There, it seems, is a dog.

As we understand it!

What a gorgeous forelock he has!

I won’t wash, so you know!

Instructions on how to make a fluffy ball

Here they are, our favorite pets. You won’t get bored with them!

Source: lemurov.net

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