Cross-eyed Cat Melts the Internet with His Adorable Peepers!
May 24, 2022A five-year-old tabby-Siamese crossbreed, named Sol-kun, has become one of the hottest feline stars online thanks to his eyes.
This footage below shows the adorable cat being given a spoon to lick by his loving owner and looking hilariously cute with his big, blue eyes.
This adorable cat has won the hearts of millions online thanks to his eyes
Permanently crossed since he was born, Sol-kun’s owner in Japan saw that the puss’ sparkling blue eyes gave him a special star quality.
Now the cat – sometimes along with his older brother Cocomo – posts new images and videos nearly every day for his fans from all around the world.
The tabby-Siamese crossbreed, named Sol-kun, has been permanently crossed since birth
One online commenter, identified as ‘_liz_9_’, stated: “Oh my goodness! Absolutely adorable!!”
Experts claim Sol-kun picked up a gene from his Siamese ancestry, which makes the breed more prone than others to having crossed eyes.
Contrary to belief, it is considered to be normal for Siamese cats to be born that way
Factually, it is considered normal for Siamese cats to be born that way.
Now Sol-kun may even one day eclipse social media top cats like Grumpy Cat and Maru, famous for trying to squeeze into any box.
One commenter said online: ‘Oh my goodness! Absolutely adorable!!’
Until that time comes, Sol-kun’s owner thinks his feline is paw-fect just the way he is.